25th June, 2021

Antibody study as a part of Phase l CSIR Cohort Study Round III conducted at CSIR-CLRI Dispensary

The random blood sample has been taken for lg G Antibody Study as a part of Phase I CSIR Cohort Study Round III at CLRI Dispensary against COVID infection from the CSIR-CLRI Staff and Student Volunteers. 327 volunteers participated in this Cohort Study at CSIR-CLRI

25th June, 2021

Vaccination camp against COVID-19

Greater Chennai Corporation organised a vaccination camp at CSIR-CLRI. Staff members and their dependents, Research Scholars/Contract staff got vaccinated against COVID-19. 281 (Two Hundred and Eighty-One) CSIR-CLRI staff, Students and Contract staff got benefited from this vaccination Drive.

Thank you Greater Chennai Corporation.