Twinning Programme for Leather Industry Development Institute (LIDI), Ethiopia under the leadership of CSIR-CLRI

Twinning Programme for Leather Industry Development Institute (LIDI), Ethiopia under the leadership of CSIR-CLRI

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is aiming for a giant leap in leather and leather products sectors in line with the national vision. Leather Industry Development Institute (LIDI) has been established by the Govt. of Ethiopia primarily to serve the leather and products sectors. In order to contribute to the realization of the national vision, LIDI needs to undergo a major transformation of becoming a globally competitive centre of excellence in the field of leather. The TWINNING project is structured, planned and will be carried out taking into account the principal objective of transforming LIDI. The ultimate transformation would enhance LIDI’s capability to offer all the needed services and support for the whole leather value chain.  The major objectives of the project are as follows. 

  • Creating and providing intellectual and skilled manpower to cater to the requirements of the industry
  • Providing technical support in all the spheres of leather and leather product sectors
  • Providing services to the industry such as testing, certification and establishing norms or standards
  • Forecasting the global market dynamics and preparing the Ethiopian leather and leather products sectors to meet the changing requirements
  • Creating functional tripartite linkage among the industry, R&D/laboratories and industry to start real time activities in research and training during the twinning period.

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 CSIR-CLRI has given a comprehensive proposal for enabling LIDI to become a globally competent centre. The proposal envisages a twinning period of three years. The major areas covered under twinning are strengthening academic programmes of LIDI, providing industrial consultancy in the areas of leather and products through applied research, establishing testing services and in the area of human resource development for the product sector through vocational programmes.

Footwear Design and Development Institute (FDDI) has been identified as a partner for activities related to the areas of footwear and leather goods. CSIR-CLRI would be the lead institute under which FDDI shall carryout the activities. A total of 550 man-months have been envisaged for carrying out the twinning project. The Total project cost is 5.44 Million US$. While CSIR-CLRI will have a share of 3.54 million US$, FDDI will get 1.9 million US$ for the above twinning project. The Project is scheduled to commence from Mid-August, 2011.