Library Membership

CSIR- CLRI Staff, Research Scholars, Project Associates and Project Assistants are entitled to access to both Print and e-journals.

Student Members:

B.Tech/M.Tech students (Leather Technology) and M.Tech Students (Footwear) of Anna University.

Corporate Members:

Corporate establishments can become members on payment of Annual Membership Fee. For further enquiries and assistance, please send email to


Non-members are permitted to use the KRC (Library) facilities for reference purpose only. The Director, CSIR-CLRI, reserves the right to restrict use. Non-members must produce authentication from their respective Institution.

For Further Information Please Contact

Head, Knowledge Resource Center

CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute,
Adyar, Chennai - 600 020
Tel: +91-44-24437231; +91-44-24437154