Research Methodology Workshop by CLRI
List of Academic Institutions already Organized the research methodology workshop by CSIR-CLRI:
1) CSIR-Human Resources Development Center, Ghaziabad Delhi (March 2016, For 46 Scientists and Technical Officers of CSIR Institutes)
2) Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (Sep 2018 for 104 Faculties and PhD Scholars)
3) National Institute of Technology Trichy (October 2016 for 111 PhD Scholars and Faculties)
4) CSIR-Central Electro Chemical Research Institute (February 2016, For 50 CSIR-CECRI Research Scholars And 5 Scientists)
5) Anna University Chennai (Two Times 2012, 2013, For Faculties and Research Scholars of 233)
6) CSIR- Central Leather Research Institute (two Times 2010, 2011)
7) Hindustan University Chennai. (2013 For 102 Faculties and PhD Scholars)
8) KCG College of Engineering Under Hindustan University Chennai (For 102 Faculties and PhD Scholars)
9) Nehru Memorial College, Puthanampatty (For 110 Faculties and PhD Scholars)