
COPYRIGHTS for SOFTWARES since April 1998

PREDLEAF - a software for prediction of India’s export of LEAther Footwear
PRESFOOT - an Integrated Software for prescription of Footwear Design based on Computational Risk Category Estimation

SPARMUL for multiplication of sparse matrices

MAFFILD, a novel mathematical approach for footwear industry layout design
LINPRO, a novel fast computing technique for solving linear programming problems
SCHEDULE, a software for scheduling and sequencing of products in a multipurpose leather processing unit for optimum utilisation of resources.
LEACON, capable of visualizing the strength profile of entire leather in the form of 3-D/2-D graphics and also analysing both qualitatively and quantitatively different physical data such as lastometer test, tensile strength etc.
CADGRADE, a software for grading apparels and accessories

DEFECTS DOCTOR, an expert system for identifying processing defects in aniline glazed goat upper leather

SPECIMEN, an expert system for identifying leather microscopy specimens
PLOTIT, a software to convert and preview plotter device files and cutter device files
DEFECTS DOCTOR, a hyper text for analysing processing defects in aniline glazed goat upper leather
SERCONT, an integrated package for serials control in a library
AREACALCI, a software for calculating the consumption norms for Leather Goods
DERMAPRO, an expert system for project preparation and planning for Leather manufacturing
TAN INCO SOFT, Tannery Inventory Control software
SCIENTOSOFT , The V.K. Rao’s Formula for Scientometric studies on Degree of Collaboration
Software on Estimation of damages to Agricultural land and ground water
Online course and course materials in leather goods pattern making and fabrication,
K Krishnaraj, PS Suresh Kumar, K Phebe Aaron, M Aranganathan, G Sathiamoorthy, B Chandrasekaran
ShaRPNet, A Software/Networking Tool for Conveniently Sharing Real Research Problems and Solutions
Debasis Samanta,  S. N. Vasagam and A. B. Mandal

PREDLEAF - a software for prediction of India’s export of LEAther Footwear

It is essentially a menu driven web-based application comprising menus such as Leather Footwear Export Forecast and Year Wise Commodity Export. This software illustrates the forecast results for every particular country and leather commodity for any particular year as desired by the user.

Copyright Application No. 4810/2024-CO/SW

Online Course and Course Materials in Leather Goods Pattern Making and Fabrication

This online course relates to designing and fabrication of leather goods. It uses animation, image editing and audio video editing. The course material starts with an introduction to leather and its different types. It provides glimpses of various materials, accessories, tools and machinery used for leather goods production. There is a highlight on classification of leather goods and different types of constructions involved therein. It demonstrates how to create pattern for a given sketch through animation. A complete understanding of the fabrication process for ladies bag is provided.

PRESFOOT - an Integrated Software for prescription of Footwear Design based on Computational Risk Category Estimation

Footwear is one of the primary requirements of a diabetic patient to safeguard the person from foot debilitation. It is necessary to determine the ‘Risk Category’ to which the patient belongs, for prescribing the most appropriate footwear for a patient,.
This intelligent software, developed on a JAVA platform, computes the  “Diabetic Risk Threshold Score” which indicates the exact Risk Category of the diabetic  patients to  enable the diabetologists to prescribe suitable footwear for them. It enables the diabetologists  to have a complete database of the patients and other relevant details in respect of their diabetic foot complications.
The software maintains a complete record of all the visits made by the patients and also stores all of their visit details for future reference. Diabetic Risk Threshold Score is calculated using information on various test results. This helps in designing the most apt footwear addressing the foot characteristics of that particular ‘Risk Category’. The database contains information on the materials, design and construction parameters for the relevant footwear and information facilitate prescribing correct footwear for the patient.  The software has been applied for copyright protection.

INNOEST - innovative footwear norms estimator

The INNOEST - Innovative Footwear Norms Estimator is a software Program for effective material utilization in economic way.
Towards minimizing material utilization and estimating the product costing, it is necessary to derive the pattern area as well as the unavoidable waste that results from the interlocking of the patterns. The Innovative Footwear Norms Estimator is a stand alone software to establish a standard system for measuring shoe patterns and upper materials to produce computerized cutting allowances and costing. It is fast and accurate and allows users to interactively monitor and control material utilization.
Developed on a JAVA platform, this Windows based software is unique by way of its stand alone capability. Patterns can directly be scanned or imported in as a dxf file independent of any CAD system.
Apart from calculating the parallelogram area (first wastage), the program is also able to compute the clicker’s feetage incorporating a lot of essential parameters such as leather coefficients, leather grades, coefficients for size & fit, adjustments for average size of order etc., thus arriving at an accurate feetage value.
This software finds readymade application in any footwear manufacturing unit for use in deciding cutting norms, estimating clicker efficiency, accurate costing and optimization in material usage.
This software has been applied for Copyright protection.


Environment Technology related

  SWAD, a software for anaerobic digester designer

Anaerobic digestion process is the most appropriate solid waste treatment method for the recovery of energy and production of manure. The design of anaerobic digester requires various assumptions and calculations. Interactive user-friendly software has therefore been developed for the design of the digester.
This software aims at providing the functional design specification of anaerobic digester for the recovery of bio-energy from organic fraction of solid wastes. This software is designed to take into consideration the kinetics of anaerobic digestion process of specific substrates in order to provide appropriate dimensions.

PRETREAT, design software for pretreatment system in tanneries

Wastewater generated from small and medium scale tanneries are collected through pipeline and treated in common effluent treatment plant (CETP). It is observed that the wastewater collection pipeline network is frequently choked due to accumulation of easily settable solids in tannery wastewater.
To overcome this problem, pretreatment system needs to be installed in tanneries connected to CETP. The main objective of the pretreatment system is to remove the easily settable solids in wastewater within tannery premises to avoid choking problems in pipeline network.
The software has been developed for design of Pretreatment system for tanneries, which consist of collection tank, pre-settler and sludge dewatering system. The input data required for the software include type of process involved, processing capacity of tannery, quantity of the wastewater generated and permissible depth of tanks. The outputs showing the dimensions of tanks and capacities of mechanical units of pretreatment system are displayed in the form of table and drawing and it can be printed out.


TAN INCO SOFT Tannery Inventory Control software

TAN INCO SOFT has been designed to manage tannery chemical house. The software allows users to  group chemicals into processing categories for easy stock management, issue and receive stock as well as the chemicals. It also provides excellent support to monitor stock levels, cost analysis to create reports. It is also capable of maintaining suppliers’ database for easy stock re-ordering.  It is a user friendly software that runs on WINDOWS platform.

SCIENTOSOFT The V.K. Rao’s Formula for Scientometric studies on Degree of Collaboration

SCIENTOSOFT is a software that retrieves and analyzes authorship pattern, citations. It is designed in such a way as to interpret the Degree of Collaborations of various field literature over a period of time. The program receives respective values from user/client as input, analyzes and presents statistical results for a particular period of research in a desired discipline.

LivSoft - Prediction Software for Livestock Population and Availability of Hides & Skins

It is a simple user friendly software tool for the prediction of livestock population based on the census data available for the period 1951 to 2007 and further estimation of the availability of hides and skins from the predicted livestock population. The output relates to the net off-take rate, annual growth rate, the predicted value of the livestock population in millions and their corresponding yield of hide/skin for a particular desired category of animal pertaining to the chosen period.

Leather defect diagnostic software-

Leather Defect Diagnostic (LDD) is a unique software tool to provide a complete solution for analysing leather defects. It is a user friendly system that runs on WINDOWS platform. The software enables identification of all types of defects on the leather surface. It essentially uses image processing technique to provide automatic leather defect inspection. The unique feature of the application is that it has a capability of supporting dynamic changes. Thus, it is possible for the users to add new defects and alert the software on the same depending on the requirements. The application provides better graphical user interface and look as well as feel.

For Further Information Please Contact

Head, Knowledge Portfolio Management Department (KPMD)

CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute,
Adyar, Chennai - 600 020
Tel: +91 44 24437273