Design and Development of Assistive devices for Children with Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy is a static neurologic condition resulting from brain injury that occurs before cerebral development is complete. Neonatal risk factors for Cerebral Palsy include birth lesser than 32 weeks gestation, birth weight of less than 2.5 kg, intrauterine growth retardation, intracranial hemorrhage and trauma. The estimated prevalence in the general population is 2-3/1000. A study reviewed one thousand children in North India with Cerebral Palsy (CP) to understand their clinical profile, etiological factors and associated problems. It was found that spastic quadriplegia constituted the predominant group (61%) followed by spastic diplegia (22 %). The United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) Foundation estimates that nearly 800,000 children and adults in the United States are living with one or more of the symptoms of Cerebral Palsy.
The rehabilitation options depend on particular condition of deformity. Physiotherapy, orthotic devices, spasticity reduction, medication and surgery are prime strategies handled by professionals to rehabilitate the children. Out of various options orthotic devices are considered to be a main form of therapy. As part of CSIR-CLRI research program, development of dynamic orthosis which used to rehabilitate the children along with gait training
a) Pneumatic Powered Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis

The device will give precise flexion and extension to knee joint which can be controlled by physiotherapist. By means of the said activity, one can overcome the spasticity of the muscle by externally powered actuator assembled with Dynamic Orthosis. Powered by externally compressed air and supplied to the orthosis the weight of the orthosis maintained at a minimum level. Physiotherapist by using the Control switches for extension and flexion of knee joint to regulate Dynamic Orthosis movement provides the stretching exercise along with gait training. Based on the preliminary promising result and feedback received from the stockholders, a advance orthosis development is also proposed.
b) Bio-mechatronic orthotic device for Rehabilitation of motor disorders (BioMOD)
Part of development of advance Knee ankle foot orthosis, in coloration with CSIR-CSIO Chandigarh, proposal under way to design and develop an improved knee ankle foot orthosis (KAFO) with virtual intelligence for children with cerebral palsy (CP) using rapid prototyping techniques. It incorporate advanced actuating mechanism to effectively utilize the residual movements. Control the movement precisely sensors used to measurement of range of motion (ROM) and quantification on ADL or similar scales for monitoring the rehabilitation progress.
Application of virtual intelligence and biofeedback system in the rehabilitation orthotic device is a new concept for the rehabilitation of CP children