Categories of documents held or under control
a. Establishment Section (custodian - Section Officer E.II)
- Files relating to service matter of all staff
- Service book of all staff who are in service
- Personal files of all serving / retired staff
- Files relating to Research Scholars / Project Assistants / Consultants
- RTI Files
- Annual Increment Certificate for Staff
- Confirmation of Staff
- CSIR – CLRI Foundation day files
- Deputation files
- Parliament questions pertaining to Estt. Section
- Group savings linked insurance files
- Quarterly progress reports to CVO regarding contracts
- Public Grievance pertaining to Estt. Section
b. Bill Section (custodian - Section Officer E.III )
- Pay Bill Register
- SRF/JRF/RA Pay Register
- Project Assistant Pay Register
- Medical Claim / Adv Registers for Gazetted, Non-Gazetted Employees and Pensioners
- TA/DA Claim Register for Gazetted and Non-Gazetted Employees
- LTC (Advance and Adjustment) Register
- HBA Register
- Conveyance Register
- Tution Fee Register
- EL Encashment Register
c. General Section (custodian - Section Officer E.IV )
d. Finance and Accounts Division (custodian - Section Officer F&A )
- Audit Registers for headwise expenditure.
- Broad sheets of Advances to employees.
- GPF/CPF Ledgers and Broad Sheets.
- Remittance Registers
- Deposit Registers
- OB (Objection Book) of Advances
- Cash Book (Main)
- Valuable Registers
- Cheque Book & Receipt Book Registers
- Monthly classified Abstract of Receipts and Payments
- Monthly Consolidated Abstract of Receipts and Payments
- Balance Sheet
- Voucher Register
- Bill Register
- Diary/Dispatch Register
- Cheque issue Register
- Register for Pensionery Benefit
- Investment Register
- Loan/Grant Register
- Project Register
- File, Note Register
- Lab. Reserve Register
- BE/RE Statement
- Disbursement of Grant to Labs/Institutes.
e. Purchase Section (custodian - Section Officer (P) )
- Indigenous Purchase Order Register
- Foreign Purchase Order Register
- Commitment & Expenditure Register
- AMC Purchase Order Register
- Tender Register
- Subject Register
- Indent Register
- Bill Movement Register
- BG Register
f. Stores Section (custodian - Section Officer (S) )
- Stock Entry Register
- Asset Register
- Personal Inventory Register
- Furniture Register
- Spare & Repair Register
- Raw & Hide Register
- Stationery Register
- Gas Rental Register
- Medicine Register
g. Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PPME)
i. The documents starting from proposal to completion of the projects in respect of the following projects
- Grant-in-Aid Projects
- CSIR In-House Projects
- CLRI In-House Projects
ii. Expenditure, Advance and Transfer (EAT) related project files of PFMS
iii. Generation of Utilization Certificate (UC) through PFMS for the funds received in respect of GAP projects
iv. P07 and P50 fund allocations
h. Knowledge Portfolio Management Department (KPMD)
i. The documents starting from proposal to completion of the projects in respect of the following projects
- Consultancy Projects
- Technical Service Projects
- Technology Transfers
- Sponsored and Collaborative Projects
ii. Project Reports of the completed projects of the following projects
- Consultancy Projects
- Technical Service Projects
- Technology Transfers
- Sponsored and Collaborative Projects
iii. Others
- Service tax related documents prior to July 2017
- Asset Register
- GST related documents from 1st July 2017
- Annual return filed documents from the financial year 2017-2018
- TDS on GST from September 2020
- Documents related to UGC-Canara Bank Portal
- Patents related documents