For Further Information Please Contact

Section Officer
Phone : 91 44 24437155

Sl. No.Results/Updates
1 Recruitment to the posts of Junior Secretariat Assistant (Gen/S&P) in CSIR-CLRI - Date, Time and Venue of Competitive Written Examination
2 Corrigendum to CLRI Notification dated 22.01.2025 - Final list of Shortlisted/Non-shortlisted applicants
3 Notification of result of the Written Test for the positions of Project Assistant - II (PA - II) and Project Associate - I (PAT - I) - CLRI Notification 01/2025
4 Addendum to CLRI Advt. 03/2024 - Extension of last date for submission of online applications.
5 Recruitment to the post of Junior Secretariat Assistant (Gen/S&P) - Final list of Shortlisted / Non-shortlisted applicants - Disposal of representations - Reg:
6 Recruitment to the post of Technician (1) - CLRI Advertisement No. 01/2025 - Reg
7 Notification No. 01/2025: Engagement to the positions of Project Assistant-II (PA-II), Junior Research Fellow (JRF), Project Associate – I (PAT-I), and Research Associate-I (RA-I) on a temporary basis
8 Recruitment to the post of JSA (G) and JSA (S&P) - List of Shortlisted and Not-Shortlisted Applicants
9 Notification No.13/2024 - Engagement to the positions of Project Assistant - I (PA-I) on temporary basis tenable at CSIR-CLRI, Regional Centre, Kolkata - Reg
10 Notification of Selection - CLRI Advt. No.05/2022 - Reg.
11 Minutes of the meeting of the Compassionate Appointment Committee
12 Postponement of Written Test / Interview for the Positions notified vide CLRI Notification No. 12/2024
13 Recruitment to the posts of Scientists - Notification to the candidates - Reg.
14 Notification No.11/2024 - Engagement of ITI apprentices in CLRI
15 Notification of Selection to the positions of Project Assistant/ Project Associate & JRF Notified vide CLRI Notification No.10/2024
16 Notification of Result of the Written Test for the positions of Project Assistant & Project Associate-I - CLRI Notification. No.10/2024
17 Notification - Marks of the candidates selected to the posts of Technician (1) {Gr.II(1)} advertised vide CLRI Advt. No.02/2022
18 Notification of Selection to the posts of Technician (1) {Gr.II(1)} advertised vide CLRI Advt. No.02/2022
19 Notification of Selection to the positions notified vide CLRI Notification No.09/2024
20 Notification of Selection to the positions notified vide CLRI Notification No.07/2024
21 Notification of Selection to the position of Scientific Administrative Assistant notified vide CLRI Notification No.08/2024
22 Notification of result of the written test for the positions notified vide CLRI Notification No.09/2024
23 Notification No.09/2024 - Written test / Interview - Engagement to the positions of SAA, PA, PA-I, JRF, SPA, PPA & RA on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI
24 Notification No.08/2024 - Walk-in Interview - Engagement to the positions of Scientific Administrative Assistant on temporary basis tenable at CSIR-CLRI Regional Centre, Kanpur
25 Notification No.07/2024 - Walk-in Interview - Engagement to the positions of PA & Project Associate-I on temporary basis tenable at CSIR-CLRI Regional Centre, Kolkata
26 Notification of Selection to the positions against Sl.No.1,2,5 & 6 Notified vide CLRI Notification No.06/2024
27 Notification of Selection to the positions against Sl.No.3 &14 Notified vide CLRI Notification No.06/2024
28 Notification of Selection to the positions Notified vide CLRI Notification No.05/2024
29 Notification of Selection to the positions Notified vide CLRI Notification No.06/2024 and its Addendum
30 Notification No.06/2024 - Written Test / Interview - Engagement to the positions of Project Assistant, Project Associate-I, Project Associate-II, Junior Research Fellow & Senior Project Associate on
31 Notification No.05/2024 - Walk-in Interview - Engagement to the positions of Project Assistant & Project Associate-I on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI Regional Centre, Kanpur
32 Notification No.04/2024 - Walk-in Interview - Engagement to the positions of Project Associate-I on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI Regional Centre, Kolkata
33 Notification of Selection to the positions of Project Associate-I, JRF & Senior Project Associate to work in CSIR-CLRI – CLRI Notification No.03/2024
34 Notification of Selection to the positions of Fieldworker & Junior Research Fellow on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI Regional Centre, Kolkata / Manipur – Reg.
35 Recruitment to the post of Technician (1) / Group II (1) at CLRI - Venue of Competitive Written Examination and Downloading of Admit Card for Written Examination - Reg.
36 Recruitment to the post of Technician (1) / Group II(1) - Result of the Trade Test
37 Recruitment to the post of Technician (1) / Group II (1) at CLRI - Result of the Trade test for the Post Code TC2212
38 Notification No.03/2024 - Walk-in Interview - Engagement to the positions of Project Associate-I, Junior Research Fellow & Senior Project Associate on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI, Chennai
39 Help Desk for candidates eligible for Trade Test for recruitment to the posts of Technician (1) / Gr. ll (1) against cLRl Advt. No.0212022
40 Recruitment to the posts of Technician (1) / Gr. II (1) against CLRI Advt. No. 02/2022 – Date and Syllabus for Competitive Written Examination
41 Recruitment to the posts of Technician (1) / Gr. Il (1) against CLRI Advt. No. 02/2022 – Notification of Date, time and venue of Trade Test
42 Recruitment to the posts of Technician (1) / Gr. II (1) against CLRI Advt. No. 02/2022 – Link for downloading Admit Card for Trade Test
43 Notification of Selection to the 05 posts of Junior Stenographer - CLRI Advt. No.01/2023
44 Notification of Selection for the positions against CLRI Notification No.01/2024
45 Modification in the List of Candidates Shortlisted and List of applicants Not-shortlisted - Recruitment to the posts of Technician (1) [Gr. II (1) posts] against CLRI Advt. No. 02/2022
46 Change in the Venue of Stenography Test for recruitment to the post of Junior Stenographer at CLRI - List - Reg.
47 Recruitment ot the post of 05 Junior Stenographers in CSIR-CLRI - Date and Venue of Proficiency test in Stenography
48 Notification - Recruitment to the post of Jr Stenographer - Advt. No. 01/2023 - List of candidates shortlisted for Proficiency test in Stenography
49 Notification No.01/2024 - Walk-in Interview - Engagement to the positions of Scientific Administrative Assistant, Project Assistant, Project Associate-I, Junior Research Fellow & Senior Research Fell
50 Recruitment to the posts of ‘Scientists’ / Gr.IV (2) - CLRI Advt. No. 05/2022 – Schedule of interview
51 Recruitment to the posts of ‘Scientists’ / Gr.IV (2) - CLRI Advt. No. 05/2022 – Disposal of representations – Final list of Shortlisted and Not - Shortlisted candidates to be called for interview
52 Recruitment to the posts of Technician(1) [Gr. II (1) posts] against CLRI Advt. No. 02/2022 - List of Shortlisted / Non-Shortlisted Candidates
53 Notification - Recruitment of ‘Scientists’ – Advt. No.05/2022 - tentative list of Shortlisted and Not - Shortlisted candidates to be called for interview – Post Codes S2207 & S2214
54 Recruitment to the post of 05 Junior Stenographers in CSIR-CLRI – Disposal of representations, Final list of eligible candidates & Decision regarding sequence of conduct of examination
55 Recruitment to the post of 05 Junior Stenographers in CSIR-CLRI – Advt. No.01/2023 - Date, Time and Venue of Competitive Written Examination
56 CORRIGENDUM to Notification Dt.14-11-2023 - Recruitment to 05 posts of Junior Stenographers in CSIR-CLRI – List of ‘Shortlisted’ and ‘Not-Shortlisted’ candidates - CLRI Advt. No. 01/2023
57 Notification - Recruitment to 05 posts of Junior Stenographers in CSIR-CLRI – List of ‘Shortlisted’ and ‘Not-Shortlisted’ candidates - CLRI Advt. No. 01/2023
58 Recruitment of Scientists (CLRI Advertisement No.05 / 2022)
59 Notification of Selection for the positions against CLRI Notification No.10/2023
60 Notification No.10/2023 : Engagement to the Positions of Project Assistant, Project Associate-I, Project Associate-II, Junior Research Fellow & Senior Research Fellow on temporary basis to work in CSI
61 Addendum to CLRI Advertisement No. 05/2022
62 Notification - Recruitment to the post of Scientist - CLRI Advt. No.05/2022 - List of Shotlisted and Not-shotlisted candidates to be called for Interview
63 Notification of Selection to the positions against CLRI Notification No.09/2023
64 Advertisement No 01/2023 - Recruitment to 05 posts of Junior Stenographers in CSIR-CLRI
65 Notification of Selection to the position of Project Assistant against CLRI Notification No.08/2023
66 Notification of Selection to the position of Scientific Administrative Assistant against CLRI Notification No.07/2023
67 Notification of Selection to the position of Scientific Administrative Assistant against CLRI Notification No.06/2023
68 CORRIGENDUM to CLRI Notification of Selection to the posts of Technical Assistant {Gr.III(1&2)} dated 16.08.2023
69 Notification of Selection to the posts of Technical Assistant {Gr.III(1&2)} against Post Codes in Pay Level-6, advertised vide CLRI Advt. No.03/2022
70 Notification of Result of the Trade Test held on 13.08.2023 for recruitment to the post of Technical Assistant against CLRI Advt. No.03/2022
71 Notification of Result of the Trade Test held on 12.08.2023 for recruitment to the post of Technical Assistant against CLRI Advt. No.03/2022
72 Notification No.09/2023 : Engagement to the Positions of Junior Research Fellow / Project Associate-II / Project Associate-I on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI
73 Engagement to the position of Project Assistant on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI Regional Centre, Jalandhar
74 Notification - Recruitment to the post of Technical Assistant / Gr.III(1&2) - CLRI Advt. No.03/2022 - Date, Time and Venue of Trade Test and Written examination
75 Notification of Selection to the positions of Project Assistant and Project Associate I against CLRI Notification No.05/2023 [Notification Sl. No.02 and Sl. No.05] - Reg.
76 Notification No.07/2023 : Engagement to the Position of Scientific Administrative Assistant on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI Regional Centre, Kanpur
77 Notification No.06/2023 : Engagement to the Position of Scientific Administrative Assistant on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI Regional Centre, Kolkata
78 CORRIGENDUM to CLRI Notification No.05/2023
79 Engagement to the positions of SAA / PA / PA-I / SPA / JRF on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI
80 Notification - Recruitment to the post of Technician (1) / Gr.II (1) – CLRI Advt.No.02/2022 - List of ‘Shortlisted’ candidates to be called for Trade test and list of ‘Not-Shortlisted’ candidates
81 Notification of Selection to the positions of Project Associate-I / Junior Research Fellow / Senior Project Associate on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI against CLRI Notification No.04/2023
82 Notification - Recruitment to the post of Technical Assistant / Gr.III(1&2) – CLRI Advt.No.03/2022 - List of ‘Shortlisted’ candidates to be called for Trade test and list of ‘Not-Shortlisted’ candida
83 NOTIFICATION - Hold / Cancel the selection of the candidates for the positions against Sl.No.1,2 and Addendum Sl.No.2 of CLRI Notification No.02/2023
84 Notification of Selection to the position of Project Associate-I notified vide CLRI Notification No.03/2023
85 NOTIFICATION - Cancellation of positions against Sl.No.7 & 8 of CLRI Notification No.04/2023
86 Engagement to the positions of Project Associate-I / Junior Research Fellow / Senior Project Associate on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI
87 Notification No.03/2023 - Walk-in-Interview for engagement to the position of Project Associate-I on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI Regional Centre, Kanpur
88 Notification of Selection of the positions of Scientific Administrative Assistant/Project Assistant/Project Associate I/II against CLRI Notification No.02/2023
89 Notification - List of Shortlisted candidates for Interview and Not-shortlisted for the position of Consultant on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI
90 Addendum to Notification No.02/2023
91 Notification No.02/2023 - Engagement to the positions of Scientific Administrative Assistants/ Project Assistant/ Project Associate-I/II / Junior Research Fellow on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLR
92 Notification of Selection to the posts of Technician (1) against CLRI Advt. No. 1/2018 - Reg.
93 Corrigendum to Notification - Date, Time & Venue of Trade Test and Competitive Written Examination for the posts of Technician(1)-Advt. No.1/2018
94 Recruitment to the post of Security Officer - Notification of the result of the physical test - CLRI Advt. No.04/2022
95 Recruitment to the post of Security Officer against CLRI Advt. No.04/2022 - Notification of Selection
96 Notification No.01/2023 - Engagement of retired employees of CSIR / Central Autonomous bodies / Central Government as Consultant
97 Notification - Date, Time & Venue of Trade Test and Competitive Written Examination for the posts of Technician(1)-Advt. No.1/2018
98 Recruitment to the post of Security Officer in CSIR-CLRI - Date, Time and Venue of physical & personality assessment test and written test
99 Notification - Extension of last date for submission of online Applications for the post of Scientists- CLRI Advt. No.05/2022
100 Notification of Selection to the positions of Junior Research Fellow / Project Assistant against CLRI Notification No.14/2022
101 Addendum to CLRI Advt. No.05/2022 - Recruitment to the 15 posts of 'Scientist' / Gr.IV(2)
102 Notification - Recruitment to the post of Security Officer - Final List of Shortlisted and Not-shortlisted for physical and personality assessment test
103 Notification - Recruitment to the post of Security Officer - List of Shortlisted and Not-shortlisted for physical and personality assessment test
104 Notification No.14/2022 - Walk-in-Interview for engagement to the positions of Junior Research Fellow & Project Assistant on temporary basis to work in CLRI
105 Notification of Selection to the positions against Sl.No.7 of CLRI Notification No.13/2022
106 Notification of Selection to the positions against Sl.No.1,3,4,5,6,8 & 9 of CLRI Notification No.13/2022
107 Minutes of the meeting of the Compassionate Appointment Committee
108 Corrigendum to CLRI Notification No.13/2022
109 Notification No.13/2022 - Walk-in-Interview for engagement to the positions of Junior Research Fellow, Project Associate-I & Project Assistant on temporary basis to work in CLRI
110 Notification - Cancellation of Selection to the position of Junior Research Fellow at Sl. No.9 of CLRI Notification dated 27.07.2022
111 List of selected candidates for the AcSIR-Phd Program-Jan 2023 session
112 Notification of Selection to the position of Consultant (ASO) on temporary basis notified vide CLRI Notification No.07/2022
113 Notification of Selection to the position of Consultant on temporary basis notified vide CLRI Notification No.12/2022
114 Notification of Selection to the post of Junior Hindi Translator advertised vide CLRI Advt. No.01/2022
115 Recruitment to the post of Junior Hindi Translator - Advt. No.01/2022 - Date, Time & Venue of Written Examination
116 Recruitment to the post of Junior Hindi Translator - Disposal of Representations received from applicants against Advt. No.01/2022
117 Notification of Selection to the position of Consultant (Footwear Machinery Maintenance) against Notification No.10/2022
118 List of candidates selected/non-selected for interview-AcSIR-PhD admission-Jan 2023 Session
119 Notification - List of candidates shortlisted to be called for Interview and Not-shortlisted for the position of Consultant against Notification No.12/2022
120 Notification of Selection to the position of Project Associate -I on temporary basis to work in CLRI Regional Centre, Kanpur against Notification No.11/2022
121 NOTIFICATION - Recruitment to the post of Junior Hindi Translator – Answer keys of Question Booklets of Paper-I "
122 Engagement of retired Government Servants from Central/ Central Autonomous Bodies as Consultant - Notification No.12/2022
123 Notification of Selection to the positions against Notification No.09/2022
124 Notification No.11/2022 - Engagement to the position of Project Associate - I on temporary basis to work in CLRI Regional Centre, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh"
125 Notification No.10/2022 - Engagement of External Consultant (Fottwear Machinery Maintenance) for Twinning Programme in CLRI
126 PERSONAL INTERVIEW for engagement of retired personnel of Government Services from Central/Central Autonomous Bodies as Consultant (ASO) on temporary basis in CSIR-CLRI
127 Notification of Selection to the positions against Notification No.08/2022
128 Notification of Selection to the positions (Sl.No.6,9 & 10) against Notification No.08/2022
129 Advertisement for IT positions in CSIR-TKDL projects
130 Notification of Selection to the positions against Notification No.06/2022
131 Notification No.09/2022 - Walk-in-interview for Engagement of Senior Project Associate / Project Associate-I/ Project Assistant on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI
132 Extension of last date for receipt of applications for engagement of retired Government Servants from Central/ Central Autonomous bodies as Consultant (ASO)
133 Recruitment to the post of Security Officer at CSIR-CLRI
134 Engagement of retired Government Servants from Central/Central Autonomous bodies as Consultant (ASO)
135 Notification No.06/2022 - Engagement of External Consultants for Twinning Programme in CLRI
136 Notification No.08/2022 - Engagement of SAA/ PA-I/ PA on a temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI
137 NOTIFICATION OF SELECTION to the Positions against CLRI Notification No.04/2022
138 NOTIFICATION OF SELECTION to the Positions against CLRI Notification No.05/2022
139 NOTIFICATION OF SELECTION to the Positions of Project Associate - I & Scientific Administrative Assistant against Sl.No.17 & 30 of Notification No.01/2022
140 NOTIFICATION OF SELECTION to the Posts of Senior Scientist and Scientist advertised vide CLRI Advt. No.1/2021
141 NOTIFICATION No.05/2022 - Engagement of Senior Project Associate/ Project Associate-I/ Junior Research Fellow/ Project Assistant on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI
142 Notification of Selection to the posts of Ayah on temporary basis to work in CLRI Nursery and Primary School.
143 Personal Interview for engagement of Project Associate - I & Scientific Administrative Assistant on a temporary basis in CSIR-CLRI
144 Engagement of Scientific Administrative Assistant/Project Assistant/Project Associate-I on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI Regional Centre, Kolkata
145 Corrigendum - CLRI Advt. No.01/2022
146 Recruitment of Technician(1) - Notification of Shortlisted and Non-Shortlisted candidates to be called for Trade Test - Advt. No.1/2018
147 Notification of Selection for positions aganist Sl. No.11,14,15,16,28 & 29 of CLRI Notification No.01/2021
148 Advertisement No 1/2022
149 Advertisement No 2/2022
150 Notification of Selection to the positions of Project Associate - I & Junior Research Fellow on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI
151 Notification No.01/2022 - List of Shortlisted candidates being called for Personal Interview
152 Notification of Selection - Senior Technical Officer(2) (Guest House & Public Relations), Post Code T21352 of Advt. No.2/2021
153 Notification of Selection for Sl.No.8,9,10,12,1323,24,,25,26,27,32 of Notification No.01/2022
154 Advt. No.1/2021 - Recruitment of Scientist & Senior Scientist - List of candidates shortlisted for Interview and Schedule of Interview
155 Addendum to CLRI Notification No.03/2022 - Engagement of Project Associates through Walk-in-Interview
156 Disposal of Representations - CLRI Advt. No.1/2021
157 Re-schedule of personal interview - Notification Sl.No.12 of CLRI Notification No.01/2022
158 Notification of Selection to the positions of Scientific Administrative Assistant on temporary basis to work in CLRI - Notification Sl.No.31 of CLRI Notification No.01/2022
159 NOTIFICATION - Interview for the positions against Sl.No.4,8,9,10,12,13,23,24,25,26,27&32 of CLRI Notification No.01/2022
160 Engagement of Project Associates/ Junior Research Fellows on temporary basis to work in CSIR-CLRI - Notification No.03/2022
161 Recruitment to the Post of STO(2) - Post code T21352 - Advt.No.2/2021 - Notification of Date of Interview to the shortlisted candidates
162 Recruitment to the Post of Senior Technical officer (2)/ Gr III(5) [Male Medical Officer] -T21351 at CSIR-CLRI – Notification of selection - Advt.No.2/2021
163 Recruitment of Senior Scientist and Scientist - List of Shortlisted and Non-shortlisted candidates to be called for interview - Advt.No.1/2021
164 Recruitment to the Post of STO(2) (Post Code: T21352) of CLRI Advt. No.2/2021 - List of Shortlisted & Non-shortlisted candidates
165 Notification of Selection to the positions of Project Assistant & Project Associate-I on temporary basis to work in CLRI - Notification No.01/2022
166 Notification of Selection of Project Assistant on temporary basis to work in CLRI Regional Centre, Jalandhar (Notification No.02/2022)
167 Advertisement No 3/2022
168 NOTIFICATION - List of Shortlisted Candidates being called for Personal Interview for the positions against Sl.No's 6,18,19,21,22 & 31 of the Notification No.01/2022
169 Notification of Selection to the positions of Project Associate-I, Project Associate-II & Senior Project Associate on temporary basis to work in CLRI
170 Advt. No.2/2021 - Interview for recruitment to the post of STO (2) [Male Medical Officer] at CSIR-CLRI, Chennai
171 Personal Interview for engagement of Project Associates/Assistants/Scientific Administrative Assistants on temporary basis in CSIR-CLRI
172 Engagement of Project Assistant on temporary basis to work in CLRI Regional Centre, Jalandhar, Punjab
173 Recruitment to the post of STO(2)/Gr III(5) (Male Medical Officer) at CSIR-CLRI - List of shortlisted candidates to be called for interview & List of Non-shortlisted candidates
174 Notification of selection of Scientific Administrative Assistant on temporary basis to work in CLRI Regional Centre, Kanpur
175 Notification of Selection to the posts of Junior Secretariat Assistant (Advt. No.3/2021)
176 Engagement of Project Associates / Project Assistants / Scientific Administrative Assistants (Notification No. 01/2022)
For Further Information Please Contact

Section Officer
Phone : 91 44 24437155